Welcome to part two of my fretboard chart method. My fretboard diagram system for memorizing the fretboard notes.
If you arrived here first jump on back to part one (it's in the navigation bar as fretboard chart) and have a go at it.
The fretboard memorization system I've put together should be very easy for you to memorize the fretboard notes in a very short period of time.
It might even seem a little too easy so be sure to review the system often.
You should find it easier than most methods of fretboard memorization.
Either way be sure to review all the diagrams frequently over the next few weeks. I'll be adding more surprises to the website that I hope you will find useful and the system even easier to memorize.
Guitar notes memorization system - step 2
Step two is memorizing the EF note cluster on all 6 strings.
Take each guitar fretboard chart and learn the notes on two strings at a time thoroughly before moving on.
Think of the downward edge of these graphics as the fat 6th string is pointing at your stomach with the head of the guitar ( tuning pegs) towards your left hand. If your left handed you'll know what to do to make it right.
Ok, the EF clusters on the 1st and 6th strings are really easy to memorize. Open string and the first fret for EF at the top of the neck and they repeat themselves at the 12th fret which is the octave of the open string.
Take your time and memorize each diagram thoroughly before moving on to Guitar fretboard mastery Step Three.
Tip: print this page and keep it in front of you as much as possible.
Be sure to check out the following related pages on this site.1.Blues guitar chords - Blues is the basis of Rock and Roll, country, Rockabilly and probably allot of other stuff. How could you use it? Blues rhythm instruction.
2. Blues guitar scales - Ever wanted to crank out a rocking blues solo? Blues soloing made extremely easy.
3. How to read guitar tabs - How does a person get good at reading tab?
Return home from guitar fretboard two
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