Free Blues Backing Tracks

Free Blues backing tracks can be the key to rapid progress on your guitar skills.

When you spend time on taking a simple easy to learn scale such as an pentatonic blues scale, and memorize that scale you can put it to work and really get to know what you can do with it. 

If you have access to a good drum machine, a bass player and a way to record both along with your guitar for  the rhythm parts, and if you know some simple chord progressions, its not to hard to do your own and there is satisfaction on know how a whole song can come together with some very easy to learn components.

But, there is something to be said and progress to be made by concentrating on the scale you have learned, applying that to solo improvisation practice and not bothering to put the time and effort in to do your own backing tracks.

Time spent practicing, instead of fussing with making backing tracks.

Why I chose to make Blues Jam Tracks.

The Minor Pentatonic Blues and the Major Pentatonic Scale are the most widely used scales over a huge number of guitar styles and songs. 

If you want to sound good playing guitar, concentrate on these scales.

Country, Rock, Blues, Texas Blues, Chicago blues, Funk, Hard rock and metal all use these scales.

What is the difference and what makes them sound different? The accompaniment and the type of backing track. The drums, the rhythm guitar, organs, saxophone and all types of instruments make up the wall of sound that makes for a really fun experience learning how to use these scales in a jam. That takes a good backing track or a back up band. 

Free Blues Backing Tracks - 4 Styles available for your Jamming pleasure at this time.

I want to give you a variety of styles in backing tracks so that you could take the scales I have made pages on and get the most out of what you have learned.

The only way to really appreciate what you can do with a scale and to make that scale sound like music - mellow, rocking or screaming rock and blues.

Really, you can do this. Each of the examples on this page are in A minor.

Am is a good place to start. Its easy to find the first position of the blues scale on the fifth fret of any guitar in EADGBE tuning. 

I've arranged these in a progressively harder sound from the top down.

I hope you have a amazing jam session. 

Right next to each free blues guitar backing tracks video you will find some thoughts on the style and a link to a dedicated page for each style.

Free Blues Guitar Backing Tracks

Slow Blues Jam Tracks 

Link to Dedicated Page for Slow Blues Jam tracks

Blues Rock Backing Tracks

Link to dedicated page for Blues Rock Backing Tracks.

Texas Blues Backing Tracks

Link to dedicated page for Texas Blues Backing Tracks

Hard Rock Jam Tracks

Link to dedicated page for Hard Rock Jam Tracks

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